Naturopathy Courses

Dear aspiring student

After 12 years of teaching, we have been updating and modernizing our course over the last few months. Thank you for bearing with us while we do this mammoth task! We will have a new emphasis, which will be much more focused on going back to basics to get better results for our clients.

The most effective medicine is based on methods that treat the “terrain” as originally described by Antoine Béchamp. These methods are not about continuing to eat a diet providing only 8 percent of the thousands of nutrients found in a well-balanced whole-food diet, while taking supplements to correct some of the resulting abnormal body chemistry. Some study courses draw people in by blinding them with the biochemical intricacies of which mineral formulation is better than the next, so the students are always chasing the next clinical study, the next “scientific discovery”. That approach will divert you further and further from the truth. It will drain your pockets and those of your clients. There are many shiny things in the world of natural medicine that make you overlook the basics. But it is the basics that will get you results and gain you a reputation for excellence.

True naturopathy does not require blood tests to determine what vitamin you need to take. Its most important requirement is some understanding of just what we are doing to our bodies with the dietary habits that we have grown up to believe are normal. If you follow the same habits as a person who now has Alzheimer’s disease, do you really think your future is going to be any different from theirs? Is anyone ever told the most common cause of heart disease? It’s not cholesterol, and anti-cholesterol statin drugs are not necessary, they do more harm than good.

If you are truly interested in being a student of naturopathy, you are welcome to take a look at our new course modules which are ready so far. Under our new system, you can now gain a certificate of completion for each module (there will be ten in total plus the advanced module that is already available). Modules 1-4 are now ready, plus an Advanced (postgraduate) module. Students who successfully complete Modules 1-10 will gain a School of Modern Naturopathy Diploma.

You can also gain much important information from my well-received book A Textbook of Modern Naturopathy, which is recommended reading for the diploma.

All my good wishes
Linda Lazarides

Find our new modules here.